Since March 2020, many things have changed! Not least the way we go about our daily lives, but also how we view cross infection and value our health and families. For dentistry, the Covid-19 pandemic left a lot of patients and dentists in limbo. As a caring profession we found it very frustrating with the lack of guidance from our governing bodies, which made it almost impossible for us to help our patients in the way we wanted to.

Despite this, from adversity comes creativity! We did our best to help patients over the phone - discovering new tips that we had never considered before. From talking patients through how to recement their own crown using a temporary kit, to advising how to use babybell cheese wax to fix their children's braces, we had to think outside the box. Fortunately the vast majority of patients we spoke to were grateful for any advice in such a difficult time (and realised that treating something in a small, dark, wet environment is not as easy as we make it look)!
Since then, we have had to adapt to: increased PPE, changed protocols, ambiguous guidance, closed door policies, increased appointment lengths and fallow times. However slowly, but surely we are returning to some form of the ‘new normal’.
What does this look like so far??
Pre appointment health screening.
Closed door policy and waiting outside until asked to come in. (No good in the rain!!)
When you come into the practice we will take your temperature.
Disinfection of your hands using an alcohol based hand rub before entering and leaving the practice.
No magazines or information leaflets in the waiting area.
Increased PPE making communication between dentist and patient more difficult.
We are doing our best to make your experience as pleasant as possible in these challenging times and hopefully it won't be too long until you can see us smiling back at you again! If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know.
See you soon!