With 6 months of lost routine, lockdown and regular snacks to keep the kids quiet, we know that sugar intake has likely been high in most households this year! Hopefully you have managed to keep up the good toothbrushing to help combat the risk of getting holes in their teeth. We are unable to go back and make better choices, but with the return to school looming, now is a great time to get back into good habits!

Make time for breakfast
Making sure you leave enough time to make breakfast will stop you reaching for biscuits and treats as a quick alternative.
Having breakfast before school will help fill up children so they are less likely to ask for treats.
Check the box - be careful with some advertised cereals which are just full of sugar!

Make healthy lunchbox choices
Consider items of fruit instead of chocolate and biscuits.
Consider water instead of squash or fizzy drinks.
Consider cheese or ham sandwiches instead of jam or chocolate spread.
Get back in the habit of having routine check-ups!
It is a fact that the more regularly patients come to see us, the less anxious they are about the dentist.
We like to place fluoride varnish (banana toothpaste) on your children’s teeth multiple times a year to help prevent decay.
Over lockdown you may have had routine check ups postponed. For some children at high risk of decay this may lead to more problem teeth than usual and may start to cause pain. Caught early, minimal intervention is likely to be required.
At Castle Dental Care we are trying very hard to get back on top of our routine check ups which were unfortunately postponed over lockdown. If you have missed an appointment please bear with us, however If you are experiencing any problems with your teeth, please do not hesitate to contact us.
See you soon!